pneumonia is the WORST!!! im so sorry!! i made u a thing to cheer u up get well soon fren

2 21

That's just great, last week I had pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. Now I have the flu all of a sudden! I'm really tired of this!

0 2

😷wearing the mask😷
The epidemic alert about Novel coronavirus pneumonia
has not been lifted,in addition to keeping warm when you go out, remember to wash your hands often~
This will protect yourself and others.

3 8


這次收到創作者-菜圓 的邀請,以「防疫」為主題合作繪圖。我們互畫彼此的Q版/寫實角色,最後再加入大量中二之力即完成(X

2020 / 02 / 05 by日安同學

3 3


A. Hilum overlay
B. Silhouette
C. Air bronchogram
D. Scimitar

Answer: Silhouette (RML pneumonia). PA - opacity obscuring R heart border. Lateral - opacity overlying heart, marginated inferiorly by major fissure

13 32

Wuhan pneumonia spreads all over the world, please remember to wash your hands frequently and wear a mask in the crowded space😷

If Miko has a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please seek medical treatment as soon as possible, don't make your Otoko worry about you😉

20 68



0 0

I can imagine 💯

Viral pneumonia & ARDS nearly killed me in 2018. I spent ~75 days on ECMO life support & ~45 days in a coma. Now I have COPD & pulmonary fibrosis.

That said, please make frequent use of hand sanitizer & disinfectants! Consider wearing masks & gloves as well 😷

0 0

"Put on your mask, recruit. Hygiene is important."😷
—Pray for the areas affected by new coronavirus-related pneumonia.

237 886

Pneumonia's back folks, will be recuperating for the week...

Kieli made me this last night

1 5

— Out of surprise, & CONFIRM patients who caught did NOT visit

🇯🇵 tour bus driver in Nara drove Chinese from
🇩🇪 1st case: infection by a colleague who visited patient’s workplace

282 387

Discovery of a novel coronavirus associated with the recent pneumonia outbreak in humans and its potential bat origin............ (Open access) (Images: BHL)

1 0

CAUTION!!! photos below may make you feel uncomfortable😱😫
GUESS WHAT IS THIS??? BAT sashimi🦇🦇 you can never imagine what the chinese would put in their mouth🙉🙉🙉 now you know how is from🐒🐒

119 101

屌你老母陳肇始張建宗!!!香港人比你哋累撚死啦!!!見記者交代?都係講埋d 垃圾!全民戴罩保平安!岩岩搭車仲有一半人無戴!

194 255

. can help ensure more kids are vaccinated against

Stop handing money over to and and support a more affordable version of the pneumonia vaccine instead.

Find out more 👉

2 5

Latest situation of a quarantine at a hospital in Wuhan

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This is the result of covering the outbreak in China, carriers can travel all around the world, Singapore, Korea, Vietnam and Japan
In the upcoming , there will only much more outbreak

5 8

Newly discovered portrait of  Tan Yew Fun谭耀勋(left), a member of first Chinese Educational Mission to the US in 1872, he was one of two to escape CEM in 1880, refused to return Imperial China, and graduated at Yale College in 1883, but died of  pneumonia the same year.

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