屌你老母陳肇始張建宗!!!香港人比你哋累撚死啦!!!見記者交代?都係講埋d 垃圾!全民戴罩保平安!岩岩搭車仲有一半人無戴!

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Latest situation of a quarantine at a hospital in Wuhan

46 52

This is the result of covering the outbreak in China, carriers can travel all around the world, Singapore, Korea, Vietnam and Japan
In the upcoming , there will only much more outbreak

5 8

[#HongKong this week:
It is always ironic to see how 🇨🇳 patriots tend to say one thing but do another.
If you love so damn much, you shd properly love its virus too, why don't you visit with your unbreakable faith in

Artist: https://t.co/CWIDGqzhk0

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Is CCP want to export bio weapons? , African swine fever virus, plague, any others?

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