sorta thinkin i might revisit that petz 4 rathalos i started and try and add more to it.. possibly even release it publically somewhere(idk where)

0 3

アーミヤと火竜, リオレウス!

Amiya and Rathalos! can't wait for Arknights x Monster Hunter in 2023!

3 6

Happy 4th Anniversary คนของแปลน
Plan's people it's more than a fandom it's a family and We'll always be together with Plan💚💚

76 24

"The Great Battle at the Vucano"
This one is the biggest Monster Hunter piece that I've done guys and I really liked the result!
Agnaktor Kek and Rathalos Osten are fustom designs of my client.

39 147

i know im gonna get crucified for this take but in short apex diablos, mizutsune and rathalos >>>>>> bloodbath, soulseer and dreadking

13 208

Finally finished Mizutsune!
next project will be azure Rathalos

24 59

ストライプのシャツも可愛い💚髪の毛の色も可愛い💚😍仕事忙しかったりで気分落ち込んでたけど励みになった😂 尊いよ〜🙏 

29 36

Like Rathalos and Rathian (More so Rathalos at this point), I feel Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian get better with each generation of MH. However, at this point, I feel they're running out of ways to keep Rathian fresh.

10 200

Evaastra and Rathaan. Twins😊
Evaastra is very important to Damera. (Not his favorite, there is no such thing) She was almost stillborn. But he got help in time and survived.
Damera is therefore a little more concerned about it. She is her little treasure. 🥺💜

0 2

新しい髪の色もとっても似合ってた❤️🥰Planくん色んな髪色と髪型似合うねえ\\(◡̈)/♥︎自分の髪も赤くしたくなっちゃった( ˘ω˘ )笑笑 

18 24

Re-draw of an old drawing of Rathalos from Monster Hunter.

14 27

WIP of Sonic and Amy in monster hunter gear !
Sonic in the Rathalos armor and Amy is in the Rathian armor <3 Still going to figure out what color for their weapons.

2 6

I still can’t believe how raw this image is.

Also I guess it makes sense Sonic has fought Rathalos enough times to get the armour, he has taken on gods after all.

21 172

Hii! Thank you for the share!
I am Ratha and I am character designer and Illustrator :)

0 5

The 2192 - Varatha Aspect of Kirby! Kirby now has the Spear of Hades! Kirby can stabstabstab!

2 4

Threat Level 5★ - Daimyo Hermitaur, Somnacanth, Barioth, Tobi-Kadachi

Threat Level 6★ - Blood Orange Bishaten, Aurora Somnacanth, Anjanath, Nargacuga, Mizutsune, Garangolm, Shogun Ceanataur, Rathalos, Zinogre

4 40