Let's discuss observations on how Jamie & Claire's relationship is evolving over these first few days.... both in and out of bed.

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Do you think a strong physiological response can be more "truthful" than what your mind alone tells you?

1 12

Do you think it's usually the man who chooses who to wed, or the woman? Who did the asking in your situation?

2 22

Dont we think Claire should've gained a whole new respect for Jamie's judgment after hearing history behind his predicament over the oath-taking, how he handled it and how her action endangered him?

1 7

What do you think Dougal gained by lying to Jamie about Jenny's pregnancy? And her having taken up with an English soldier?

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Can you imagine feeling under such threat all the time that you'd go armed, even sleeping with a knife, every day and night?

1 13

More of an observation, but it seems Dougal underestimated the attraction between Jamie and Claire and how seriously they'd take their wedding vows, no?

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What did you think of all the advice Murtaugh and company gave Jamie before his wedding night?

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How do you think you'd feel knowing there were 15 men downstairs waiting to see if you'd consummated your marriage?

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Do you think arranged marriages are better or worse than marriage for love? More or less successful?

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Notice how big a statement Jamie made with those pearls? Let Dougal know how seriously HE was taking this marriage. Not just paper for him.

1 14

Dougal must also be an educated man. Did it surprise you that he put so much faith into the superstition about the Ninian Spring?

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Dougal risked putting Claire in Randall's hand, knowing what kind of man he was. Then he devised a way to save Claire. Why the disconnect?

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Does it seem like when BJR flogged Jamie, it was like a public rape?

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Do you think Dougal had an ulterior motive for telling Claire the story of Jamie's floggings?

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Were you surprised (when you first read it) at BJR hitting Claire so viciously? And how did you like Claire's comeback?

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If Colum was unaware of Dougal's fund raising activities and wasn't a Jacobite himself, what did he think Claire could possibly spy on?

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Good evening, lasses! Everybody ready for Your fearless leader fell asleep reading this afternoon and didna finish preparing all the questions. So, we'll be winging it a bit.

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How would you have dealt with Dougal in Jamie's place? Told him to get stuffed? Hit him? Walked out of any tavern where Dougal started holding forth on Stuart cause?

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