"Maxine's books come with lessons on friendship, diversity, acceptance, and forgiveness.
A huge hit with me and my grandkids."

Read the full review from The Naked reviewers - https://t.co/D0ZNEHuSeY

0 0


Just in time for some Christmas reading!📖
Get a free account on you can then sign up to recieve a free copy of my novel in e-book. 25 copies available!


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Just in time for some Christmas reading!📖
Get a free account on you can then sign up to recieve a free copy of my novel in e-book. 25 copies available!


1 1


Just in time for some Christmas reading!📖
Get a free account on you can then sign up to recieve a free copy of my novel in e-book. 25 copies available!


1 1

"Maxine's books come with lessons on friendship, diversity, acceptance, and forgiveness.
A huge hit with me and my grandkids."

Read the full review from The Naked reviewers - https://t.co/D0ZNEHvq4w

0 0


In time for some Christmas reading
Get a free account on you can then sign up to receive a free copy of my novel in e-book. 25 copies available!


1 3


In time for some Christmas reading
Get a free account on you can then sign up to receive a free copy of my novel in e-book. 25 copies available!


1 2


In time for some Christmas reading
Get a free account on you can then sign up to receive a free copy of my novel in e-book. 25 copies available!


1 1

Reviewer says

"This is an incredibly fun, short chapter book. We loved seeing all of those familiar reindeer names show up and get a bit of personality. Ronaldo was a fantastic main character."

TYVM at whatkreads


0 0

Children's book Reviewer says -
"Sylvester’s books always contain some significant moral lessons. Here also, Ronaldo learns how to be a part of a team..."

0 0

If any reviewers would like to review Cosmic Debris by and me for their website, blog, etc or interview me about the series please get in touch.

Cosmic Debris- available from November 23rd from

2 2

longing for a henry emily design which he looks nothing like a movie reviewer complaining about women in movies

13 162

This is wonderful book for the young reader. I read it with my grandkids and they loved not only the story, but also the illustrations (by Sheila Graber).#Goodreads

34 28

If you're an epic fantasy book reviewer (blogger, booktuber, etc) and would be interested in an eARC of my soon to be released book, CRUCIBLE OF LIES, then email me at mitchhoganauthor.com

Some images for the book generated by Midjourney AI.

3 3

"Maxine's books come with lessons on friendship, diversity, acceptance, and forgiveness.
A huge hit with me and my grandkids."

Read the full review from The Naked reviewers - https://t.co/D0ZNEHvq4w

0 0

The Night Of Reviewers Is Real! (Tarde, pero mejor tarde que nunca)

7 70

Children's book Reviewer says -
"Sylvester’s books always contain some significant moral lessons. Here also, Ronaldo learns how to be a part of a team..."

0 0

"Maxine's books come with lessons on friendship, diversity, acceptance, and forgiveness.
A huge hit with me and my grandkids."

Read the full review from The Naked reviewers - https://t.co/D0ZNEHMt6w

0 0

Reviewer says

"This is an incredibly fun, short chapter book. We loved seeing all of those familiar reindeer names show up and get a bit of personality. Ronaldo was a fantastic main character."

TYVM at whatkreads


1 0

is a delightful children’s book (ages up to 9 years old), which conveys a very important message in a beautifully crafted story." and esteemed Leonard Tillerman

22 17