お題箱からバランスボールにのっかるトキヤくん(クップルものった) ありがとうございました~!!自分じゃ思いつかなかった!笑https://t.co/TWICDem8bm

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We asked each of the 18 artist-mentors to reflect on their experience of the project. Here is what UK comics artist drew after his time in https://t.co/EkTkwQqUX4

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お題箱からまじかるイチコちゃん ありがとうございました~!! https://t.co/zcodNczMlV

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"Se dovessi narrare in una riga, la storia di Ligabue, direi che era meraviglioso come noi". Cesare Zavattini nella biografia dedicata al pittore naif, morto nel 1965

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The second Riga Zine Fest with exhibitions by Anna Haifisch, Sammy Stein, Palefroi and Rasa Pavilona is just around the corner! https://t.co/lscMLaj6SD

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Sign up now for a two-day workshop for participants from the Baltic states this May in Riga, taught by the artist !
Find out more: https://t.co/ddEOxUD2Rp

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celebrating bunny day with riga’s resident rabbits! i like to think they’re uncle and nephew :D

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