Ewenice - cult of the lamb inspired Warlock

11 32

Viskar - Emerald Dragonborn

4 25

A client's custom (Order of the Everlasting) - uses skin-grafts from trolls to empower their abilities which slowly transforms their physical makeup - this one imbues their weapon with the damage source they've just recieved.

5 44

Minha persona e minhas musas para avisar que estou fazendo parte da equipe de colaboradores da !! 💜💜

3 13

I got to contribute art to the new combat wheelchair supplement!! I designed an artificer for both 5e AND Pathfinder, making this my first pathfinder illustration!

11 56

Well, aren't these two a fickle sort.
Boss enemies for the dungeon my players are going through, it's going to be a ride. 🗡️

1 7

Thought I'd post this showing 9/10 of the Jobs/Classes in Skies above shown. Back left to right - Bard, Paladin, Thief, Dragoon, Hunter. Front Left to right Monk, Light Mage, Dark Mage and Warrior. The only one I'm missing is the Invoker (Summoner class)

4 10