SJW: There are no fat characters in fiction.

Me: if there are, you're just too stupid to see them.

50 252

Aussi les "anti-SJW" pseudo-fans de Musclor... Lâchez nous la grappe avec vos histoires. Vous étiez déjà ridicules d'imaginer une "guerre" contre les fans de She-Ra... Et espérer les voir en PLS avec cette série (alors que beaucoup d'entre eux attendaient cette série Musclor)

1 10

🌟 Fredrick (i.e. Rageman)
🌟 I live in America
🌟 I hate Sonic fans, Anti-SJW, people. I like drawing, art, and milk
🌟 Cartoonish, but a little bit realistic and down to earth
🌟 Chris Sanders, Rebecca Sugar, Jeff Smith, Jack Kirby, Naoto Ohshima, Jazza, Kesh

1 2

Almost every new or butchered character from SJW Marvel

0 11

I seent Black Widder last night and I don't know how them SJW people ain't jumping all over this one. She ain't even Black! That's racist!

0 0

Considering that every channel is different in some way, no I don't see their point. It's SJW, BLM, LGBTQ mobs, femi Nazis, big tech, Antifa & far leftists that have earned this pic right here. Not the ones who are standing up for fellow humans, common decency and IPs everywhere.

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Qrt with your art range! I go from painted portraiture, SJW art, to comics, and pop/lowbrow art.

1 1

New tales of knight woman
sjw "yeah no sexualized armor!"
but when she turns her back ahhahaha

2 13

Weird People: Manga sells better than comics because it's not full of SJW or queer nonsense!


6 28

TW: transphobia
This joker came into the comments section of my comic a couple weeks ago to complain about "sjw"s. They've been leaving rambling comments trying to play the Intellectual being Silenced by The Left
but today they finally cracked
and called me a trender

7 161

Tats is not a tankie, he's a right-wing anti-sjw. He publicly denounced communism and compared twitter suspension to being in Gulag.

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Whenever an SJW says that women in manga are not well represented, I wonder if they have read the 4 million IPs that Japan has, I mean that Marvel barely has 6000 and represents them horrible lately.

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On FOC now, it's NINJAK the book that doubled in orders for us when someone accused it of being too SJW!

28 229

500 followers, babee!
thanks y'all people for dealing with my horny drawings and few shitty rants towards sjw crybabys :P

1 4

I remembered that Kiara was entranced with big thighs of Atleier Ryza.Therefore at least Kiara seems to tolerant toward sexual element of underage if character is fiction.Ryza is 17 years old.
But these criticism remind me of how worry of influence of SJW-like thought.

6 32

yang tadi aku ganti jadi sushi saja, soalnya takut dikira fanpol sjw

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