# ボーンズアンドオール bonesandall timothéechalamet taylorrussell 映画イラスト 映画好きな人と繋がりたい movieillust 絵柄が好きっていう人にフォローされたい cocainebear cheese adementeddomain moviereviews jamescameron score movies razzies2023 theloudhouse blonde morbius disneyplus pinocchio nickelodeon karma razzies movienews paramountplus cinema lucamarinelli leottomontagne myart filmtwitter goodbadandugly physicalmedia staysafe read bluray covid_19 covid19 covid coronavirus mondaythoughts mondaymorning mondayblogs mondaymotivation blog bloggerstribe bloggingcommunity blogging blogger filmtwt spookyseasonweek movie movieposter moviescene marvelstudios graphicdesigner photoshop adobe adobeeducreative 地下室のヘンな穴 地下室のヘンな映画 映画 映画好きと繋がりたい illustration イラスト好きさんと繋がりたい 絵柄が好みって人にフォローされたい narasmoviereview nope nopemovie nopefilm nopemoviereview actionaugust basementrejects godsofegypt iwatchmovies transformers harrypotter toystory filmfan cinefile memories moviememories バズライトイヤー バズ バズと無限の彼方へ バズライトイヤーキャンペーン 映画レビュー moviefanart lightyear アニメ映画 無言フォロー大歓迎 フォロワー一万人以下の絵師が力作を投稿してたくさんのフォローを貰うタグ horrormovies elvis elvismovie filmreview mowglilegendofthejungle moviethoughts disney animation animated cartoon film mulan anime art netflix history

Cocaine Bear (2023) When nature runs amok courtesy of Colombia.
(7 outta 10)

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gets a solid 6/10...doesn't take itself seriously, chock full of gore & death & lots of fun!

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Ok I got another question for you.

What's your brutally honest opinion on the movie below? Do you love it, hate it, or are you on the fence?

Polar Express (2004)
Dir. Robert Zemeckis

What do you think?

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New Post!

Movie Reviews – Horror Films – Spooky Season Week, Day 4!


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Playing with lights and shadows 🙃
What does this art work remind you of?

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spoiler? not fan art just review
놉 영화장면 스포 포함 리뷰 글낙서

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The gods are unleashed! Gods of Egypt (2016) reviewed on

THE RATING: 4.5/10
THE REVIEW: https://t.co/XuXOrhbpsM

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You guys don't understand how hyped up these 3 films were in primary school . It was hella unreal 😭😭😭 🙌🎉🚀🚀

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Needed a break from book research, so I started watching the leprechaun movies.

Did not expect the leprechaun to have a foot fetish.

The first one gets at least a 3/5 just for entertainment value.

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It won't be to everyone's taste but the central performances and production design alone make Elvis a thrill ride experience.

Read the full review at https://t.co/LvAG8oBvOL

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Really ugly but also pretty darn good.

Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle (2018)


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Mulan was released to theaters 24 years ago, today. Here's my "Reflection" to the Masterpiece that no remake can replace https://t.co/dfiNlXCV8G

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