Very interesting look at . It's trying to comma up slightly right now but it's fully back over water and look at the huge explosion of storms off the East of the center. Just a matter of when that curls around now and the storm can go. 100% will be a hurricane.

1 3

A GMI overpass from a couple of hours ago showed a healthy convective banding pattern in Tropical Storm There are hints of an inner-core forming, which could result in Isaias becoming slightly more resilient to vertical wind shear in its path.

28 86

Gonna be interesting now that Tropical storm is finally now formed. If that can survive Hispaniola there is a chance if this can fight off the shear in the Bahamas this could be a significant hurricane. Models been trending to more of a stronger solution and storm Sat.

1 2

A look at the atmospheric moisture feeding into fueling heavy rains and possible flash floods & mudslides for and This system is likely to be named and impact this weekend.

11 34

Se aprirai il tuo cuore all'affamato,
se sazierai l'afflitto di cuore,
allora brillerà fra le tenebre
la tua luce.

Isaia (in ebraico יְשַׁעְיָהוּ,
latino Isaias, il Signore salva
765 a.C. circa
Profeta ebreo.


13 20

eu to vendo muito dexter? talvez... eu entendo de perspectiva e saias? nao.

0 0

esaias, silas, kitty ☢️

3 7

"(...) encontraram uma linda criação prateada cheia de brilhos, com um corpete justo e incrustado de pérolas e saias largas que tinham sido muito populares no século anterior. Sophie se sentiu uma princesa só de tocar nela."

60 297

saias fancam 😔✌️

72 173

Esaias Thorén | 1901 - 1981 | Sweden
På stranden [on the beach]

27 69

i feel like everyone has to give u saias it just seems right............and then every time i see grand chase charas i think of u and this is the one i remember the most bc of u but other charas i associate w u are like luthier, ushijima hq!!, sylvia fe, etc etc

0 1

A Brit precisa usar saias maiores... Ou não... >w> 🍑💦❤️

575 3923

Have some motivational quotes based on in-game dialogue from these three heroes that cheer me up, I hope it brightens your day a little as well!

111 363

saias looks like he would get sunburned easily even though he has major fjalar

4 11

im so sad can yall rt this version instead.... take 2....

the saias breeds i have seen and observed

29 48

here are the saias breeds i have seen and observed

21 101

congrats on getting a cipher card, saias! 🎉🎉

29 101

2/2 A reminder of what winter was like in the little ice age. Harsh! But we still had fun, as chronicled here by Esaias van de Velde. It’s been his day.

4 37