No sé dibujar ni pintar pero queria intentarlo al menos 😶
Y te deseo un Feliz Cumpleaños
Espero que lo pases genial y disfrutes de tu día junto a tus seres queridos 💖

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2. Exhibition of this"Mona Lisa"copy at the Prado, Madrid,Curators attributed this to one of his Pupils, Salai or Melzi.They obviously have little knowledge of either. It's nothing like Salai or work attributed to Melzi. Its face is flawed & expression strange as is its palette🧑‍🎨

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Madison and Miss Bliss are having some fun with Hanu, Fantasy Funland's mascot! (Art by Salaiix)

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......ahah ....comment j'en rêve ça devrai pas être permis !
(C6 je l'aurais osef tout mon salaire pour Signora)

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Vraie star de Paper Mario 2, Marco, qui nous a suivi jusqu'à la fin, gardant jalousement une bague de fiançaille de deux mafieux... Elle vaut au moins trois mois de salaire après tout !

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"Me prendre pour une conne, c'est imputable à votre salaire, me prendre pour une salope, c'est la meilleure façon pour que je vous pète la gueule !" "
"Michel, tu sors"
Personnage de Constance, interprété par

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Earlier this month we had a look at Reena in her “commando” outfit -- now here’s Madison filling out her own! (Art by Salaiix)

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Future Tech is a hot-selling magazine in Pallad City, but it's even hotter with Cherie on the cover! (Art by Salaiix / Color by StayAlivePlz)

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Crime has turned Pallad City into a war zone! Fortunately, Reena's dressed for action... (Art by Salaiix)

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Danger Zone One has updated, and in color! (Art by Salaiix)

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Ces gens qui se font un salaire annuel en vendant une fursuit. Why not me ?...

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(com for >:3cc)

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May’s vote incentive is now live! Vote for us on Top Web Comics and get instant access to the uncensored cover! (Art by Salaiix and color by StayAlivePlz)

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"The ball's in your court!"

Cartoon by Salai Nway Oo

Help The Irrawaddy Report the Truth from Myanmar

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Salai Nway Oo’s summarises the state of play.

Source: Irrawaddy

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Arvostan ihan mielettömästi, että kuvituksessa on myös ruskea ihminen - sateenkaariyhteisöt ovat moninaisia, vaikka yhteiskunta ei annakaan tilaa kaikille sateenkaari-ihmisille.

Allekirjoita kansalaisaloite ihmisoikeuksien puolesta:

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Aquí tiene al rededor de tres años y está bastante enojado porque usar un vestido tan lindo y delicado no estaba en sus planes de ese día, y Salai a esa edad odiaba que cualquiera (en especial su madre) le dijera que hacer.

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Good morning! Today is kusa day! Wish you have a nice day!

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Wish everynyan in the world will be happy!

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