画質 高画質

アンスロ89 PDF版 | Orcinus https://t.co/KwM56JxvII

189 1004

You met an owl orc professor while attending Hogwarts.

He would reward you for touching his feathers when you got a perfect score on a test... the end of a wing, of course.

27 282

What if DrRatio is a professor at Hogwarts and he's an owl orc (?

9 129

Gajome the orc mother and her friend, Touma, the monk fighter. Now I need some time to think of a backstory. I’ll probably draw them doing weird shenanigans in the meantime. Definitely gotta draw a better view of Touma soon

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havent drawn anything being in recovery but heres my dnd half-orc Horis first concept and him now <:) i love my boy

23 157

ヒゲが生え、ゲイが好みそうな童顔ハンサムでカラー漫画イラスト調ので筋骨隆々の緑色の肌で牙が生えたorcの全身二面図(前面と背面で全身 モデリングの素体用

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When you want to draw a strong and cute orc girl but it becomes an eternal WIP😔

58 624

I'm ok to make male monsters LESS monstruous and more cuter and more akin to pokemon if it makes them easier to draw. Do not morally restrict what we can draw.

You see this green skin there? This boy is a ORC and this woman is around 30 years old! https://t.co/XBwsnL4pEK

9 33

I've been learning to do more traditional style paintings digitally so I decided to do this sexy orc Warrior from World of Warcraft. What do you think?

5 46

Maybe my first drawing of Orc :D

52 374

Originally, I drew Zhang Fei as an Orc, but I was scolded, so I had to turn Zhang Fei into a wrestler.😂

31 219

Why does this render of elder scrolls orc reminds me of Jin Kazama?

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