wip 💜 screentones are so fun aah

2 58

I wanted to try screentones... I may have gotten carried away 😅

1 19

Ina and Cthulhu the Wahtcher.
I'm bad at coloring but I love reading manga and love the screentone still need there more to learn.

0 1

Did meses around with Medibang screentones the other day

1 1

Scaramouche doodles (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
Tried out some screentone brushes ٩( ᐛ )و
Didn’t draw his hat because I was lazy hahaha


89 475

Screentones, you stupid bitch, where have you been my whole life...💞


19 242

guy who just remembered csp has screentones (me)

1 3

testing a screentone idea w/ the best friends

18 106

If you'd like to have a space to chat webcomics, workshop, or co work stream, I have a discord for just that!
It's the screentones community spot, any and all are welcome!

6 28

Manga Glam, screentones, and my beautiful bullet witch,

Stickers available in my shop!


52 275

Me encanta la diferencia que puede hacer agregarle un poco de degradé blanco en el pelo en screentones

0 11

Also non-screentone ver. :)

0 20

Opening sketch commissions for a bit
$35 flat color Icon
$45 shaded icon
$45 “dirty” sketch
$55 “clean” sketch
$65 Flat color sketch (screentones apply for this too)
$75 shaded sketch
-the more complex the image, the most it costs
Only taking 7 this time

21 23

dont retweet

(tears) c cleaning screentones

1 94

Screentoned this Darkseid meets Metal Man commission.

0 19

experimenting w/ screentones on csp

3 4

Rekka in my style for 's 🔥
I've been experimenting with screentones recently and digging super saturated/pastel colors.

4 23

EEYYYYY???!!! Tiger this is amazing! I love how you added screentones in the shading aaaaaaaaaaaaa😭💙✨

0 1