Flashback to mid 2020 when I made the abomination of SpinENA..

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Years ago after spinel feuded with Steven and his friends, until now became good and joined with Purple Sapphire.

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There are many Mughal miniatures of emperors holding spinels.

Spinels look like rubies but they aren’t, they were prized by the Mughals for their talismanic qualities in battle. Many are inscribed with names of emperors.

Timur Spinel (Pic 4) is said to be the largest one.

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Tendencia de la mañana!!
Ahorita tenemos a Greenie (la fusión de Blumie y Yellie)
Y Sady (La espinela que llora mucho)

Espero les guste, además de que los personajes les pertenece a

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