The Telomimetico camouflage parka Erika wears is a one-of-a-kind piece that sets her apart from the others. It was a gift from Johanna when she first joined the unit.

3 30

Chic Camouflage Utility Jumpsuit
Like airsoft clothes
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Prompt in the pic Mocha_prompt TensorArt ToxicEchoAct2

29 177

optical camouflage yukata!?



2 8

The Children of Triton 111
メンズのTシャツって無地、縞、プリント 迷彩、以外に選択が無いよね。描く時悩む😓
When it comes to men's T-shirts, there are no other options besides plain, striped, printed, or camouflage.

21 307

meticulously depicted Erika, highlighting her attire vividly: beneath her camouflage parka, her civilian white blouse contrasts elegantly with her black scarf. Notably, Erika swapped her dress for military trousers and boots, a gift from Johanna.

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Erika joins the Greifkommando unit before the Battle of Berlin in 1945, bringing joy to Johanna.
In her BDM uniform, Erika bears reminders of her past, her medpack. Yet, it's the camouflaged parka, a gift from Johanna seized from a deserter, that catches the eye

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This drawing of Erika, skillfully created by my artist friend , depicts her with a thoughtful expression, clad in a camouflage parka, hands casually tucked into her pockets. It's a wonderfully executed portrayal.

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This portrayal of Johanna, crafted by the talented artist , is a captivating piece of art.
In his rendition, Johanna generously shares chocolate with her comrades as a combat soldier. The intricate camouflage detail is particularly striking and skillfully executed.

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Artist captured Erika's essence two years ago during the EveryonesErika art event. In his drawing, Erika dons her camouflage parka and full gear, her expression serious, reflecting the weight of the battle's impending dread.

10 92

Tactical Operative Chic
The camouflage pants is so cool!!
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Prompt in the pic

20 188

They changed to another type of camouflage. But I prefer the old one

0 6

Erika is presenting her camouflage parka to you—retweet this post to observe the unfolding results!

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look out, Acerola could be camouflaged in your local mountain range right now!

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Another version silver paint camouflage

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French fit rockin' an Italian M29 camouflage zeltbahn, German Heer belt buckle & MP-40 SMG

14 113

Perfectly camouflaged

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