It's once again. What if he wasn't only half Robot? Would he dream of being more?

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No.49 1/24 ニッサン KGC110 スカイラインHT2000GT-X '74
No.52 1/24 ニッサン KHGC210 スカイラインHT2000GT-ES '77
No.115 1/24 トヨタ TCR11W エスティマ ツインムーンルーフ '90
No.121 1/24 トヨタ GRS210/AWS210 クラウン ロイヤルサルーンG '15

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It's a nice and cozy and our little guy is just chilling with his new Axolotl plush.

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This Steven's taking Arma and Spooky Bro on a flight! When did Steven learn to fly?!

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Matt and Leaf are sentenced to spending in Montero State prison for (REDACTED). They think they're gonna meet ...

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TCR HQ Mini Comics presents; The Affair, written by Spooky Bro and drawn by HugMonster!

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We're a bit late on this the Team had a nice... tar based Spa Day? I guess?

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This week's brings Glorious Purpose to the Green Members of TCR as Loki and Sylvie.

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