画質 高画質


23 118

-bllk cw spoiler manga , spoiler character , bxb , Loki x Charles , lkcr

Ada yang ngeship mereka nggak?

0 31

-bllk cw bxb julirin lokirin Julian Loki x Itoshi Rin

Ada yang ngeship mereka nggak??

5 134

-bllk CW spoiler manga and character

Mungkin Shidou kalau mulai macam-macam ditendang bola kayak gini juga ya sama Loki, makanya sekarang agak kaleman dikit 😂

45 579

-bllk cw spoiler manga and characters

Loki: sampai kapan mau begini terus

Naikkan gaji Loki karena mengemong bocah-bocah PXG 😂

189 1352

The winner of this month's Peasant Voting Stream is...
SEFORIA! She will get a Poofy Jacket this month!

She and Loki were tied at 15 so we spun the wheel to determine which one wins and Seforia won!

See you in Feb for the next voting stream!

4 37


18 56

Finally finished these Design notes for a character of mine, Lori, the socialite whose design is based on Loki!

4 16


33 147


4 31


11 30


23 86

ENVtuberのLoki Lux()さんとガブモンを描かせて頂きました!リクエスト有難うございます✨

I drew Gabumon with ENVtuber Loki Lux! Thank you for your request ✨.

8 17

president loki art! ada yg mau berk☁?

7 101

🥵FEH Bunnies Comm wip!
Ayra, Kagero, Thorr, Freyja, Loki, Tiki, Dagr

69 622

Summer Supremacy, who do you belong too?
🤍 = Thorr
💜 = Loki
💙 = Zelestia

158 1155