Emotions are prohibited.

(Watch the progress here: https://t.co/XSAJhsKTwH…)

13 12

I drew my queen Kainé. beautiful foul mouthed Kainé.

0 4

Preview 1 for a YokoTaro Artbook! More details coming soon..!
Oh man the zine's content looks so nice I'm-

0 3

NieR You~
I wish I could select all>delete<memories and play this game over again...

2 9

Para el diseño de las Intoner Drakengard 3, Yoko Taro indicó a Fujisaka que tuviera en cuenta a las protagonistas de Madoka Magica. Se pueden notar las similitudes en especial en alguos casos, como Three y Homura.

56 94

I have a yokotaro

I have a yoga pants


yoko pants

1 8

2Business coloured, blindfold and without ver.!

26 142

This is relevant again since i finished the game.
is fucking amazing.
@yokotaro 先生、ありがとうございます

24 180


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