Commission for allunari (DA).*+

Thank you very much for commissioning me.*+

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Irinéia the WITCH

OC belongs to Kappy (

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:3c its been a while. this is for a personal project!!! Lets hope i can be consistent with it !!!

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Thanks Jared! ✨

I've voiced for lots of games including the released:

: Alluna & Brie
: Unhack
: Princess Battles
: Flappatron

But also games in development like Kosmos Connections (😉) & ! 💜

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🎫Ну привет, I'm Lunar/allunar/alfalunar And I'm a self-taught person who is trying to find myself.

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Investigació, misteri, secrets, amor, lleialtat... Aquesta obra té tots els ingredients per captivar als joves en una aventura única.

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Check out the Visual/ JPRPG novel we recently finished working on: Alluna and Brie!

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【SHOWCASE】カルーナ / Calluna が完成しました。 青い翼を羽ばたかせ、満を持して年始のイベントへ飛来します! 会場ではどうぞよろしくお願いいたします😉

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Hi I'm Calluna, a hobbyist artist. I work with both traditional and digital mediums and have strong preference for fantasy topics, especially dragons.

You can find me on other platforms (dA is the main site)

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I was really hesitant to use recolours for AiA, but now that I've got a few I regret not doing it for Alluna and Brie. They look really good, I'll definitely be doing this more in the future.

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Axon in Ashes is going to be a standalone game, it's not DLC for Alluna and Brie it'll be sold separately for a lower price. It's going to cover 72 in-game days so it is shorter than AnB, and it'll have about 2/3 as much content.

Here's another pirate girl!

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Uh.. Im alLunar, Ukrainian self teaching cat
You can see my work here or

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Unas buenas noches a nuestra querida la Subdirectora Luna que quiere conquistar la noche con ustedes ¡Un feliz miércoles por la noche! 🌙🌑.

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My half of an art trade with @/Chevalyre (instagram) of their 3 OCs Connir, Jyn & Calluna.

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