at least that's the ones I remember the most vividly ;w;

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Is the same as my cartoon so have my first 4 anime crushes *.* Tuxedo Mask, Haji, Blue and Kyo <3

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Inuyasha was my very first until I saw Usui Takumi (>ㅿ<)՞՞

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lemme jump in the bandwagon for once cuz hecc

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is also pretty easy. Largo from the original Bubblegum Crisis! With an honourable mention for this gremlin from Escaflowne. Damn u, villains.

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I can't choose only one, sorry x//D
I watch this anime and love them all
and still love!!! Just look at this bunch of hot boys! I just can't...

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lifetime husbandos: Ayato, Dazai, Lelouch, and Yato 💗💗💗

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Then lastly HAHA I still never get over it, still love him to this day.

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Ahhhhhhhhh Masunaga and Kitakado is such a cutieee pie😍😍😍

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My is of course the lovely Lucoa from Dragon Maid.

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Mary from Custom Robo GC
Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball
Sam from Totally Spies

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HAVE 4 INSTEAD (not including my last crush tweet character lmao)

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