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I finally remembered some of my #1stCartoonCrush's though it's a bit late :v
also most would fit in #1stanimeCrush's instead
Hm... I guess I really liked magical girls and long hair~ haha
I also used to really like anime aimed at girls. Interesting.
90's style was the best! 😍
Allow me to jump on the bandwagon.
#1stCartoonCrush #1stAnimeCrush #1stGameCrush
I missed the trend for #1stAnimeCrush last week, but for the record, it's the classic anime bibliophile.
#1stCartoonCrush Kim Possible from ... well Kim Possible
#1stAnimeCrush Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon
#1stVideoGameCrush Rikku from Final Fantasy 10
And as a side note I would like to blame Felicia from darkstalkers for my #catgirl fetish.
Late to the party. But here are some of my cartoon boyfriend's from before I knew I was homo. #1stCartoonCrush #1stAnimeCrush
#1stAnimeCrush ahhaha Athrun is 👌👌👌🔥🔥🔥 gundam seed was my childhood and I rewatch it every year.
#1stAnimeCrush (es)
I still ship InuKag and SakuraxSyaoran tho
My #1stAnimeCrush was Hiruma from Eyeshield 21.
Samus was def my #1stVideoGameCrush look I didn’t know if I wanted to kiss her or be her
#1stAnimeCrush had to think about this one, but it was definitely Karen Joshua from the 08th MS Gundam anime that I’m sure no one else remembers 😂
i have a type and its angsty boys who kno when to shut up and big scary beef #1stAnimeCrush
#1stAnimeCrush Sanzo, Gojyo, Hakkai and Goku from Saiyuki. These 4 were the loml and they helped me to get through a lot of rough spots when I was young. Seeing them overcoming hardships but are still able to joke and keep going no matter what is such a badass trait!
#1stAnimeCrush Mon premier à 8/9 ans et le deuxième à partir de mes 15 ans qui est resté définitivement premier xD. En vrai j'ai fangirliser sur pleins de perso entre temps et je fangirlise toujours sur pleins d'autres mais bon...XD Crocodile always first m_m.
As for #1stAnimeCrush, since we're really splitting the tag that way...
...That would be none other than Sailor Jupiter! (Honorable mention goes to Sailor Pluto, because she was way up on that list too almost simultaneously)
#1stAnimeCrush Mon premier, Van Fanel. Puis Mihawk, le dernier et jamais détrôné... Aucun perso ne me fait autant d'effet tout animes confondu... Sérieux, quand il apparaît dans un ep ou un générique mon cœur fait un bond j'vous jure! °W°