15 days until webcomic launch! Woop!! Here's Chowder in a box.

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I love these two they are so dorky together. Also, 1 month before the comic launch!!

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Tadaaaaaaa, Chowder duel weilding!! The kitties are adorable lol. I actually (mostly) normal faces instead of dots or whatever.

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Still easiest kittyboi to draw. Pretty much Blue at the cafe. One month closer to comic launch date!

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Mmmmm Garfield gf...#garfield

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I wanted to try a different position for my boy. He's so cute XD He fell asleep in a weird position but Ellie doesn't want to walk him up by moving him.

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(April 13)

The anime cat of the day is Roo from Nyanko Days!

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I know it's been a while but here's a nice picture with Ginger about to pounce a fancy pastry!

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I couldn't help bit. I wanted more chibi catboy goodness! Blue and Chowder having a nice nap together.

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Made this cute little banner for facebook and also decided to use it for twitter too lol

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