A quinta vítima foi ! Ele de fato seria o Cearense shitposter e fanboy do Dream :D

❤️ e 🔄 são apreciados :)

48 155

The fucking Bitmoji shit that karens like using for some reason

0 17

Thread if Karens lines for Anon on Retrospring

everytime i have to guess which one of them is mentally ill

0 14

J'ai oublié de poster ici, mais j'ai participé au DIYS de Karensac, j'en ai fait deux versions jaune et bleue 🌟

1 4

old chisarens from like janurary😭😭😭

21 65

In honor of the Karensauruses that run around terrorizing managers, scaring the neighborhood, and siccing the local PDs on innocent people for silly, trivial stuff. This is for you.

1 1

– 29 July

“omne quod Natura parens creavit,
quamlibet firmum videas, labascit:
tempore ac longo fragile et caducum
solvitur usu.

amnis insueta solet ire valle,
mutat et rectos via certa cursus,
rupta cum cedit male pertinaci
ripa fluento....

9 22


Lots of noise out there now with the ubiquitous Dall-E-2 posts in everyone's feed, and big names selling them for big $ETH bags.💰

The "Ai art is not art" Karens are back! Everyone duck and cover.😆

A few points on this,

5 19

Saudades desse anime lindo, espero um dia ver uma segunda temporada dele.

Nome é Aharen san Wa Hakarenai para quem quer saber

0 3

Enjoyed both shows lol
Chika Fujiwara (Love is War)
Reina Aharen (Aharen-san wa Hakarenai)

0 5

Musique du soir : parfait pour un soir de canicule, les nuits égyptiennes du trop méconnu Arenski ! Une suite de ballet russe, dans la grande filiation de Tchaikowski ! Un bijou.
Anton Arensky : Egyptian Nights, Suite from the ballet Op. 50a (1900 arr...

21 114

Imagina crear algo y que te juzguen por hacer lo que quieras con TU creación (Amphibia) todas esas karens que salieron de sus cuevas nunca han visto una cuenta NSWF en sus vidas, seguro les da un infarto

1 41

Y ahora si

Pasamos a la parte mas fura de analizar

Preparense porque a lo mejor terminare de escribir este hilo cuando se me gaste la bateria


0 0

제가커미션신청한거 보실분 아................. 너무좋다

@ Emmaiskarensmom
이분 커미션입ㄷ니다 지금싸니까 신청하세요오오오어

3 8

I can't believe I forgot to mention dragonslaying au. it's one of my favorite designs for them 😭🖤🖤🖤🖤 katas lil feetsies and marens huge bonk weapon

1 17