去年のスクーリングで描いた作品。もう少し時間が欲しかった、、! 岩絵具、水干絵具、墨、箔、雲肌麻紙、パネル 1167×910mm

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去年のスクーリングで描いた作品(部分)。 岩絵具、水干絵具、墨、箔、雲肌麻紙、パネル 1000×803mm

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Untitled (Gray, Gray on Red), 1968

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Alana Tracey's eye-catching work investigates abstract, colorfield and op art visual and spatial sensibilities⁠
through painting and installation using colour gradient interactions and pattern⁠

Unraveling Chromaverse by Alana Trace… https://t.co/QK2wBnGGcv

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Edward Clark - Abstract Painting - Color Field
Edward Clark, also known as Ed Clark (1926 - 2019), is American abstract expressionist painter.

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Edward Clark - Abstract Painting - Color Field
Edward Clark, also known as Ed Clark (1926 - 2019), is American abstract expressionist painter.

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Edward Clark - Abstract Painting - Color Field
Edward Clark, also known as Ed Clark (1926 - 2019), is American abstract expressionist painter.

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Edward Clark - Abstract Painting - Color Field
Edward Clark, also known as Ed Clark (1926 - 2019), is American abstract expressionist painter.

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Edward Clark - Abstract Painting - Color Field
Edward Clark, also known as Ed Clark (1926 - 2019), is American abstract expressionist painter.

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‘3 rules I always follow are: work a lot, do not listen to external opinions and always look for new inspirations.'

More... https://t.co/ZbE5Apodsd

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