Well, I locked temporally the account, I'm a bit tired of being copypasted by a certain someone... It may sound silly, but searching for information takes time, he always ends up copying it instantly when I publish it, It's exhausting.

0 60

MG y te digo

- Primera impresión:
- Tu apodo en mi cabeza:
- Nivel de cercanía (1-10):
- Te quiero (?):
- Eres mi:
- Honestamente:
- Te duchas (?):
- Deberías subir este copypaste:

Dibujo para rellenar (?

0 25

caspar does not have copypaste twink body, no you cannot change my mind

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A squirrel with a copypasted all over to fill up space for

2 17

Oh hey, it's been awhile.

It's nice when a pose lines up just enough to copypaste shoes.

1 4

yeah that's a copypaste on the throwing axes thanks twitter for focusing on that

2 12

copypastes this onto all my screenshots from now on

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i like this dumb drawing that came out of me drawing a money prop but also needing the character there for color reference but being too lazy to copypaste the previously existing lineart and color

9 85

People assume that just cuz Felicia is my waifu, I would like/waifu Melody from DL. She isn't. Just cuz it's a copypaste of Felicia doesn't automatically mean its waifu for me.
That aside, Cleo is best DL girl. Fight me.

0 15

Today, I realised my life would be a lot simpler if I combined/copypasted various shantae costumes into a singular reference. For example, I'd actually have a acurate reference for Shantae's actual legs, arms and neck if I just used the Bikini Blue sprites, and removed the shades

0 1

(*copypaste is coming*)
Se trata de un au en el que he estado pensando:
Manu estudia animación mientras que Pedro estudia una rama de la música que se trata de componer temas de fondo y esas cosas.
Ambos trabajan en equipo para un proyecto de la universidad....

11 24

Finally... the twins. Hell yes i copypasted.
[ ]

6 9

And since we still talking about Jack Hedgehog.

What if I told you that in January 31 of this year,
He freaking did a copypaste of a Video made for my friend KenjiKanzaki?

Above : Jack Video
Bellow : Kenji video

The jack video is already deleted

3 5

I remember making this thing last year to illustrate to someone how to get somewhat reliable toon outlines in 3D. It's the easiest trick in the book.
Literally just a copypasted expanded object with its polygons facing inwards and backface culling turned on.

4 15

The icy-hot boy. This was a prctice for line art and coloring. The fire and background are copypasted cuz im a lazy ass

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i copypasted the rage symbol bc I Aint Drawin That Shit

1 1

I'll just copypaste what I wrote on tumblr I think its hilarious: Did someone order reverse mermaid AU with a side of Victor looks hot pink on my android, wtf happened? https://t.co/3YiMIvfL5y Also I think I will use this censor bunny from now on forever

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Detail of the painting for CopyPaste
Exhibition with 19 other fantastic artists in Hasselt, Belgium: 1, 2 & 3 June .

2 1

ART VERSION!! i threw this together in 10mins using copypaste and these MIGHT be from early 2013 so its //maybe/ cheating but MOSTLY NOT?! i don't know anymore just that its absolutely illegal 4 those 2012 images 2 be shown on the internet. HERES TO IMPROVEMENT!! 🎉

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De hecho el primer párrafo es copypaste de palabras de otro usuario, y los otros párrafos solo los adapto... No sé no creo que se lo tome en serio solo quiere joder

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