Art by @ srsquirrel

Germán Torres is a freelance Illustrator and comic book artist based in Barcelona.

Visit his portfolio full of very cool and funny illustrations:

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Art by @ telinunu

Tania Samoshkina is a visual artist and illustrator based in Brooklyn, NY.

Visit her portfolio and enjoy the work of this professional sunset catcher, caffeinated on a daily basis:

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Art by @ lineart

Explore the portfolio of this digital collage artist and support his work:

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Art by

Leti is an Illustrator and product designer from Spain who has started sharing her designs on our network.

Visit and support her beautiful and fun portfolio:

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Art by

Oriana Vargas is a graphic designer and illustrator from Chile.

Visit and support her portfolio with beautiful artworks in watercolor and other techniques:

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Art by

Gabriel Valbuena is a digital Artist from Colombia who has started to build his Creary portfolio with wonderful and digital

Support his projects:

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Projects by edwnart

Eduard Wolf is a self-taught German artist.

In his portfolio we can see excellent acrylic portrait paintings and drawings.

Support his work:

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Our 20th GAMMA reward goes to for his commitment to the network, originality and quality of his


1K CGY go to him so he will gain more visibility on and his energy will increase

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Artworks by

Gris and Eddie are Mexican digital and traditional
Thanks to their collaborative work we can enjoy their in our network.

Visit their and support their work:

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Discover the art of

Joern Bielewski is a and blogger working at the intersection of art and technology.

Visit his portfolio on and enjoy his wide range of art full of abstracts and more!

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Drawuntilithurts is an amateur artist from Austria making weird drawings.

Visit his portfolio and enjoy his particular style:

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Art by

WGMeets is a graphic designer, blogger and photographer from New Jersey

Discover his cool fractal designs and experimental pieces in his portfolio:

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Illustrations by Katya Maleev, a freelance children's illustrator from Russia working worldwide

Discover Katya's beautiful work:

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Jfxartz is a Spanish designer who is publishing great design, illustration and paint projects on our network.

Discover his work:

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"MONIQUE" by MissMotes

See this nice project of , an illustrator & plastic artist:

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"Tentacolor" by elianccs

A beautiful drawing made by Elian Contreras

Visit this work and encourage the author to continue publishing more designs:

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