画質 高画質

And for those that missed it, I showed off song silva WIP and cleaned up the draft for WIP
sort of the same idea, but two very different compositions LOL
First one looks like the cover of a book or something 😅

16 70

I dunno if I should cancel this art and draw other thing instead
I feel like it’s bad in composition and many thing
Maybe I should try aki in Thai university uniform LOL
or just clear all of my commission since it might be my last month open comm before I take a break

19 100

I like using 3d models as a base for BGs. You can add the rendering and colors manually after setting the angle and composition.

Might make a tutorial if people are interested.

0 13

When I first thought about drawing Marge I was gonna make her hair shorter so it’ll be easier to draw in certain compositions. She’s also older so, made sense

This sketch is my newest, thoughts on her new cut, or whatever is happening here?

10 217

Brief notes on composition (1/2)

1299 6643

That is a very nice idea! 😍💕💕
(I tried to draw it but it turned out to be a totally different composition picture... 😂)

2 19

Hmmm...I am not satisfied with the composition of the drawing. 🫤✏️
Should I consider another composition? Or. Would it be better if one of them was a different character? 🤔

10 95

I want to smash Serizawa's face with a roller skate, why is he an attention seeker like that?? Why are you breaking the composition you dumbfuck of a child????
Can't you be normal for one artwork???????

8 74

O’Gran’s Wrath. A commission for and probably my favorite composition of O’Gran yet

240 1508

yknow whats funny about this whole christmas art debacle is that if youre an artist like me its actually pretty easy to tell the uchiha family getting redrawn has nothing to do with "bias" or anything its just the artist fixing the composition 😭

23 149

I really love this composition and here’s my contribution to renheng community🫵🏻⚔️🍁


377 1501

If someone says in a comment on skeb, 「Leave the composition and pose of the original character up to you,」 it will look something like this.
Limited to your original character. I don't draw Pokemon. Please note.

5 23

Still no background this year, I need better composition, anatomy, perspectives and rendering in 2024.

4 35

Just realized that I made moon rabbit at the start of 2023 and bouquet at the end; such similar compositions & feels rly symbolic of how much I flourished this year 🤧‼️
I’m eternally so grateful for all the love and opportunities I received this year and am so excited for 2024!

8 73

Still improving my lines, anatomy and composition🔥
THANK YOU for the support this year, luv u guys!!!!🫶

11 62

Good Composition, Well-Known Friend's OC, Easy to understood, and Boobs https://t.co/uZIBXKMchD

522 4269

I tried making it more like a movie poster... recreated the font and everything similar to official promo but not really
I think the composition is better too? hmm

3 19



0 8

You have never seen composition this bad but I needed to sketch this okay goodnight

120 602

I don't post WIPs like this often because I never finish, but I really liked this compositions. so enjoy some Zelda OoT :)

116 986