(I blame NibrocRock for this)

How would a fight between these 2 ice cats go?

Good excuse to maybe draw or commission art of my girl sometime probably closer to this weekend. https://t.co/ViJ9RhPuCv

1 4

Hurley's Heroes is only $472 away from unlocking the next stretch goal! At $9,000, all backers get the The Crock magnet. Book is going to print soon, but still time to pre-order! Get the triple connecting covers of the https://t.co/PZXIcX37oMhttps://t.co/V1GsB1Ktem

6 15

Hurley's Heroes is only $572 from unlocking the The Crock magnet! This is it! Tonight is the last night of the campaign! https://t.co/PZXIcX37oM

5 8