HEY HI sorry for the lack of posting again, being a senior in high school with 3 art classes makes it hard for me to manage my time!!! Coupled with the fact that I'm still doing this dumbass piece of shit bg to make it more interesting, I've been very busy and demotivated on-

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God I love hearing about the ads incentive that demotivates viewers to watch, and lowering Rev split even tho they are owned by one of the Richest companies being Amazon.

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Good morning my fabulous dearies. Happy I hope everyone is doing phenomenal and having a terrorific day. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: RealLirix
Artist: DubbedEmotions

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Demotiviert noch weiter neue Emotes zu zeichnen weil 90% meiner Community die neuen nicht mag. Sadge. https://t.co/dDy29yDDus

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„Präsident des Zentralverbandes des Deutschen Handwerks warnt vor Hartz-IV-Nachfolge:
Bürgergeld könnte für „Demotivation“ bei Geringverdienern sorgen“

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I wish it worked like LoR, where there's no Promos, you lose/gain points and demoting isn't -25+ LP..

While in LoL if I demote, I'm dropped to 75 LP like I deserved to lose 25+ LP for failing to promote.
Then forced to play 2-4 games to get back through BS we can't control like:

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Did a watercolor sketch to refresh myself, have been experimenting with digital and it's kinda demotivating

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If halo infinite wants to become a true game that generates success, they must bring back female Spartan models. The lack of them simply makes players demotivated to play. and no, a thin waist doesn't count as a female player model.

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Tbh, I wasn't ready to debut my comic this year because I knew my life was going to be chaotic. But I was feeling so lonely and demotivated in the grind process that I knew if I didn't publish it, I was going to quit.
Publishing my comic was the best decision I ever made.

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Another big thing I owe to fox mom is getting me back into art. Everytime I got demotivated, she somehow managed to bring me back into something I really enjoy doing now again, and here's the first doodle I made after not drawing for ages (I changed my name)

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Been hella busy lately. Got a new boss in office. Appreciate his demotivating speech. Like i cant get depressed👍.Then car broke. Thats cool too.

So heres some old fantasy concepts uwu. Kinda wanna get into fantasy genre lately so prolly gonna redesign some of these.

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hiiii im really demotivated to rlly create anything at all cus my tablet is wigging out so all i have is my phone lol.... my sona as a bunny rapter for compensation

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You look amazing I am sure <3 Don't feel demotivated :) You look cute like that btw

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Sorry for the absence. Work + Demotivation = No draw time. More Zoey and Nessa for your looking spheres soon.

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Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is having a bewitching day and doing exquisite. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: DubbedEmotions
Artist: sideshowmonkey

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Will I feed today? Will I finally get back to Plat after demoting like a nub?? Only time will tell.

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Sorry if I haven't been making any art lately I've just been dealing with demotivation cus life. Here's a really cool and based fun fact though

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ive been super demotivated but i couldnt miss out the chance to draw my two favorite downpour slugcats!
my first slugcat drawing (animation doesnt count)

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Now what?...

I reached 800 followers, I feel my art isn't for it's reaching and I feel demotivated...

What do I do know?

I don't want to reach 1000 without improving at all...

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