Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope you all have a magical night. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: BeaGifted
Artist: Grimwicks

1 19

Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is doing well and having an enchanting day. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Viergacht
Artist: Firehead65

3 24

Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope you all are having a magical day and doing amazing. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Eddy-Swan-Colors
Artist: cicakkia

4 28

Wääääh Wolf.... Not We all know that. Thanks so much Andy for this disgusting real look at what it really means being a Werewolf!

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Good morning my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday yesterday. May you all have a lovely day take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Vyrosk
Artist: Eddy-Shinjuku

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Good afternoon my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone has a fantastic new year and may it be better than the last. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Richard100892
Artist: Alaiaorax

2 10

Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is having a magical day and doing amazing. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Viergacht
Artist: Deharme

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Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is doing phenomenally and having a magical day. I most likely won't be on tomorrow, lots of cooking and baking to do. However, have a safe and lovely holiday tomorrow. 🦇💜

3 12

Good evening my magical and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is doing incredibly and having an enchanting day. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: clayscence
Artist: R-Daza

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Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is having a bewitching day. Enjoy the moonlight and the magic of the night/day. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all.🦇💜
Artist: NikitaNV
Artist: Niconoff

1 16

Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is having a bewitching day and doing exquisite. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: DubbedEmotions
Artist: sideshowmonkey

2 15

Good afternoon my magical and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is having a fabulous day and are doing magnificently. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: VezoniaArtz
Artist: weremagnus

4 13

Good evening my bewitching and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is having a magical day and doing incredible. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: ImaginaryRosseArt

5 24

Good morning my fangtabulous lovelies. Happy and I hope you all have a magical and wild day. Unfortunately I have an appointment today that I completely forgot about and I still haven't figured out the issues with Twitch

4 18

Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope you all are having a great week so far and doing fantastic. Take care, stay safe and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: sylessae
Artist: christoskarapanos

3 12

Good evening my wicked and wild lovelies. Happy and I hope everyone is having a good week so far and had a fangtastic weekend. I'm sorry for disappearing for four days, it's been crazy stressful lately. Take care everyone and much love.🦇💜

5 11

Good evening bewitching lovelies, happy and Hope everyone is having a wild and wicked day. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: GuzBoroda
Artist: Peter-Ortiz

1 22

Good evening bewitching lovelies, happy and Hope everyone is having a wild and magical day/night. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: arnaerr
Artist: kyoht

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Good afternoon my enchanting lovelies. Happy and I hope you all are having a wicked and magical day. Stay safe out there, take every day, one day at a time. Things will hopefully get better. Take care and much love to you all. 🦇💜

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