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@bloodberry_tart please look at the wort, boggart auntie art by Larry macdougall
Pentomino character concept: Dougal U. ^u^ #PuyoPuyo #puyopuyotetris #tetris #PuyoPuyoTetris2
Greenworld is a xenobiological project by speculative evolution pioneer Dougal Dixon, the creator of "After Man: A Zoology of the Future".
The project as far as I know is currently seeking english publisher, but it already did really well in Japan. Spread the word.
@BritishPalaeon1 No major complaints about what was in it, but I was expecting to see some future descendents of rabbits, especially after hearing Dougal Dixon was involved. Imagine what extra ideas TFiW could've added to this, even if they only had future-buns as random prey rather than a focus.
Man After Man : An Anthropology of the Future (1990) by Dougal Dixon has been a huge influence on my writing.
FLCL Ultimate Edition DVD Disc Art
Packaging Created By: Christopher McDougall (https://t.co/nKo6fOGLCb)
pretty interesting stuff
@kleinevampier @Dude_my_Tea_Hot also aarakocra aging is wack as hell so dougal is technically 16-17 in bird years. Dixie is even younger at 12-ish in bird years so in reality he's like... 3 years old 😂 🐤
Dougal's first design vs his last one is still really funny to me... would you believe he had dignity once
Continuing the D&D boy lineup with Hawkmoth and Dougal. As is tradition for a dins pc... they're both Annoying Twinks
Inspired by Dougal Dixon's "After Man" and "Man After Man" altho a lot less fucking dumb. Creating a brand new creature designs and building such a world would be fun. I'd like the main character to be an eye into this world. Each culture of "new humans" would have evolved
Dixon (1988) – the sequel to Dougal’s hugely successful After Man of 1981 – portrays a modern world where dinosaurs, pterosaurs, plesiosaurs and other groups occupy the roles taken today by placental and marsupial mammals, as well as by various snakes, birds and so on...
@BStokkermans Desert warbler by Paschalis Dougalis, Black-and-white warbler by Jan Wilczur, East African Apalis warblers by John Gale, Warblers of the United States by Sarah MacLean
Alright, let’s have one more batch of Ravenclaws before we move on to Hufflepuff
Mandy Brocklehurst, Sue Li, Morag MacDougal & Kevin Entwhistle
Conratulations, you've made it through another week of home-schooling! Here's what's on YAY today:
9.45am: Bookbug Live reminder
11am: Singalong with The McDougalls
2pm: School in Victorian Scotland
4pm: Kids' Dens with Pauline
6.30pm: Bedtime story with Ruth
@SubculturedCast I found out last year that the illustration from the Season's Greetings meme comes from 'Man After Man' by Dougal Dixon. It's a book that speculates on the future evolution of humanity. The illos are INCREDIBLY cursed. Highly recommended.
Time for that #wheeloftime post I promised yesterday. This is my Christmas present for all fantasy fans! My respect to you all and special thanks to Robert Jordan, Harriet Macdougal, @BrandSanderson (I know he is a fan) for the constant inspiration! ❤️💛💚
Here comes my next character for Alice´s party, a human who suffered from the influence of dark elemental krestia and turn into a daemon, however he kept his human soul alife. meet Dougal Morris ^ ^ only one more character to complete Alice´s party : D