"You enter the room, and are faced with a five-headed dragonborn. She turns to you, for she has a quest to give you."

Quinn, my Dragonborn Warlock.

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Don't piss off the dragonborn. She's got a lotta acid behind those teeth of hers. Big plans for this sketch.

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I will literally take any excuse to draw a dragonborn...
redraw boy but like mix the black and white dragons in DnD 👀

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DRAGONKIN- Origins a mystery, some believe them to be reincarnations of old dragons rebirthing from waterfalls or rivers. Scholars believe that the Eastern Dragon endured the same gene mutation that led to the Dragonborn.

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Day 6: this one took a long ass time for one one the Gladnis zines. I was playing with colour and the feelings they could give. Still one of my favourites. Elf rogue and paladin dragonborn.

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Took a mental break from writing tonight to do a little art. Was working on the Lumity dtiys when started on a dnd character and I had to... so have a doodle I did of her black Dragonborn. With floof! I didn’t know what her colours were so I had fun with em

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hi i drew one of 's ocs as a dragonborn... his name is hydra and i have feelings for him

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Three out of four shards. . .
Ambrose the fae, Cecil the half elf cult leader, and Ceiń the shadow dragon dragonborn.
All that there is left to draw is Sunshine the party satyr!

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Sigba Laugison – White-scaled dragonborn. Sigba has a square face, with scales, blackened in few spots of his head and green eyes. He wears green robes and wields a stuff. Art credit

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WIPs of Spell Slayers character Theskaryion & my 1st time illustrating a Dragonborn. DM's website https://t.co/aK90hMGGua.

Commissions: https://t.co/F4eqDZ6zMa

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More diverse Dragonborn please!

I'd love to see a Deep (Purple) Dragonborn or Rattelyr Dragonborn!

Or even a Styx Dragonborn. That would be very interesting!

(images from Wizards of the Coast)

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So hear they are...Ive decided to make them a Non-binary beast. Their name is Toll and they have fabulous hair. I would say that their mom is a blue dragonborn and their dad is a green dragonborn. Also they have lots of jewelry.

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So I decided to draw out my water based Dragonborn. Had alot of fun with the design.

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I'm playing in a D&D campaign and am having a blast playing as a loveable/ carefree Dragonborn. In our most recent session, he got possessed and nearly ended everyone in the party so I decided to draw both versions of him.

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In that campaign I got to know better, & am now thrilled to have her as a player! Bob is her half-orc paladin from a previous game & Flora was her little excitable ranger in Eberron. <3

...I'm going to have to learn how to draw dragonborn.

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Hey I've drawn so much D&D art the last year, so many dragonborn.

Lovely to see everyone's awesome work 💛

290 2014

Classicism: The knight slays the dragon
Modernism: The dragon slays the knight
Postmodernism: The dragon IS the knight

Art by coloring by The Silver Draconvir, heroic dragon gestalts of Aeres akin to dragonborn.

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I didn't know this was a thing! I tried to find some of my favorites, although they're a bit old; I've been busy with commissions. Two are from my D&D character, it turns out I love Dragonborn.

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This is Hilda Fletcher and she is a bearded halfling. She has a dwarven ancestor. She is the owner of The Gushing Spicket tavern and has a crush on the residential Dragonborn.

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