New art dedicated to my favorite yu gi oh archetype!
This is my favorite monster currently!
And what's yours?

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Love me some kuribohs 💞 not card accurate but they’re cuter this way

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MasterDuel >>>>>>>>>>>>> DuelLinks

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To celebrate the 5th anniversary of the global release of and the launch of we're running some special campaigns on Steam for various Yu-Gi-Oh! series titles!
Learn more here:

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We're celebrating the 5th anniversary of the global release of and the launch of with some special campaigns on Steam for various Yu-Gi-Oh! series titles!
Learn more here:

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Grande Berserkion, el Boss Monster del deck Magnet Warrior.

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My goto for YuGiOh as a whole nowadays? Yami Marik. The man showed us years ago just how scary the Egyptian God card Ra could be in the show and years ater, in the TCG. I can only hope we see some of that support in Duel Links...

Please ty ' u'

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My favorite Duel Links character is Kite from Zexal! ^_^

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My favorites are of course the 2 best characters from the best arc of the show! Astral and Yuma ^-^ and

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Yuya from YGO Arc-V colourised version.
Want to download this image and use it for your Twitch, Discord, etc...? Just join my Discord server.


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Yugi Boy! Portrait (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Dibujado durante el stream de
Culpa tuya que ahora tenga mono de jugar al TCG.

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Ishizu Ishtar coloured version. I really loved doing this illustration and I think is one of the best I've ever done so far.
Want to download this image and use it for your Twitch, Discord, etc...? Just join my Discord server.


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Crow Hogan coloured version.

Want to download this image and use it for your Twitch, Discord, etc...? Just join my Discord server.


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I decided to release these images for free so anyone can use them on their Twitch, Discord server, etc...

If you wish to download them, just join my Discord.

Discord server:

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