New PRINTS! Now available from the next eejits Etsy store!

10x8” archival matt paper and looking flippin’ awesome!!

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Following ?!? I ain’t doing inktober but I thought it fun to try and match to the prompts. So I’m calling this the eejits NOT-TOBER!
Enjoy this trip down memory lane as I choose eejits from the archive!
This is - Overg…

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[NEW eejit ALERT] Meet eejitus posterius-perchus: This creature likes to look down on others from its precarious perch on its posterior prolongation (basically, it likes to sit on its tail). From its lofty advantage point it can keep an eye on all the ot…

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Say ‘ello to the newest eejit in the Glen - eejitus sunflooweris. A friend of nature and all creatures great and small, the eejitus sunflooweris is like a ray o' sunshine for all that it meets.

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[from the archive] eejitus thickasminceium - Long passed its 'best before date', the eejitus thickasminceium wanders through the night in search o' brains. It never finds any. It literally is as thick as mince, its head is full o' the stuff. Tasty.

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The eejitus spoonfoolium is appalled and shocked at the way its kind are treated. Captured and kept hanging around in kitchens, where they are used until they meet their grisly end. They are handy for stirring thick gruesome soups, boggin stews, putrid n…

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Thank you 😃 If I can do it, I'm pretty sure an eejit can 🤣 Your eejit characters would be fantastic in a story book!

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eejits - a curious collection o’ creatures. I LOVE creating stupid, glaikit wee creatures imagining them all living in a The Wee Glen together (for their own safety)!

I’ll link to my patreon as my website is borked at the moment.

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[from the archive] eejitus concernedus flabberis - This eejit is concerned that you are not listening to it. It always bundles about on it’s stocky legs, zipping from one creature to the next, warning them of the next impending, but usually false and nev…

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[from the archive] eejitus nobreatheunderwateris - eejitus nobreatheunderwateris has been left behind in the evolutionary race to dry land. It used to be found swimming quite happily in the cold lochs but as it slowly evolved, instead of growing strong l…

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Awesome idea! I create ‘eejits’ in the Highlands o’ Scotland. Curious wee creatures so they are! My work can be found at or
Thanks Kino

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drew general hux for a t-shirt for happy birthday beejit

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Say hello to eejitus ponderingitus: a perfectly, patient and pondering plonker who will wait an age for anything.

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[from the Archive] seen the new trailer for IT 2 yet?!? 😱This wee critter was inspired by the first movie: meet eejitus floatsdownhereium - a friendly wee eejit that means absolutely no harm to anyone. Yup.

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One last update from this page since I shared his inks already.

Poor eejit.

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Christmas is nearly here!!!! Can I take this moment to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you for the continued support of me & my eejits. It means the world to me that you guys like, comment & follow me here.

I hope you have a wonderfully fantastic…

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