Amabie is a Yokai known in the japanese mythology to be able to ward off epidemics. The tradition says that drawing and sharing it will eradicate the pandemic, even if you suck at drawing. So do it now.  

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Amabie: the Japanese Yokai That Can Stave Off Epidemics.私もアマビエさん描きました。疫病退散!疫病退散!手洗いうがい!手洗いうがい!コツコツとがんばりましょう。大丈夫!乗り越えられるよ!#amabie 

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“If disease spreads, show a picture of me to those who fall ill and they will be cured."

Loving the fact that artists around the world are drawing a yōkai that lives in the sea and can predict good harvests and stave off epidemics.

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Many people is drawing a yokai called ,a sea creature that offers protection to people affected by epidemics if you show a picture of it to them. I found very nice that its image is being spread around so I wanted to join and draw a character inspired by it too.

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Let’s hope the Amalie is not just prophesying epidemics but we can harvest some good from 2020. Monday’s

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A series of studies exploring the progression of the malichor (GreedFall). It’s astounding how the game managed to create the plague atmosphere in Serene: horrendous in its “normality”. Nothing like the standard epidemics blockbusters - just death, resignation and devastation.

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>made in abyss: dawn of the deep soul
>my most hyped movie ever
>listen to its soundtrack and imagine the glorious scenes playing out daily
>tickets now available in US
>april 15th
>theater only 1 hour away
>flu and coronavirus epidemics running rampant
>no way i can risk it

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New model provides global month-by-month activity of influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and metapneumovirus, and helps predict the local onset month of virus and epidemics

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new boy, Pestilence is a cryptic deity who's only seen in corpse strewn ruins or mass graves after an epidemic has wiped out immense amounts of people (they say that the sound of sourceless wind chimes heralds oncoming epidemics)
Decay of course tries very hard to befriend him

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Let's face it. This is the episode you've been waiting for. Are you ready for one of the most publicized epidemics of the century?

is a great new podcast about disease in history:
Ep 11 Ebola: The New Kid on the Block

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Our exhibition Photography, Alterity & Epidemics opening today 17:30 with talks & wine reception

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