just passed a camel. We're in the Alps! WTF?!?”

1 1

The best advice Einstein ever gave me was, "Never cat sit for Erwin Schrödinger”.”

1 4

First flies, then bees and multitudes of nameless flying bug things, now it's bats. Herds of bison next? Or chimps? Or llamas?”

1 3

Seen at coffee: a baby that looked like a small beluga whale in a ginger wig.”

1 2

I saw some incredible things yday. Why, then, is the image of the fattest man I have ever seen riding a motorbike the image that lingers?”

1 1

Anyone want to burn their laundry with me & , just let me know. Ta.”

2 5

well from the strange growling noises going on here either its lunch time or there is a tiger hiding under the sofa…”

1 2

Keep finding slugs in my flat. The robotics lab has a slug hunting robot that is powered by digesting slugs…”

1 3

My arms are very heavy because I have lots up my sleeves!”

1 3

Je ne peins pas seulement khr. Étonnamment

Рисую не только по реборну, даже удивительно 😳😳😳

2 6

Just saw an old man riding a bike with music speakers tied to the handle bars! Priceless!”

2 7

maybe I should paint smiley faces on my toenails so that Woodlice will think that there is a crowd of 10 friendly people approaching them.”

2 5

My head feels full of sponges. Clear out you damned aquatic beasts that I may think and achieve stuff!!”

2 3