Where the at?
can we get a going?
im following every doodle back❤️
here is mine! show me yours👇

1 5

Will expand on this later (the “why”) but very excited about and the potential of this project… x3

5 267

new to
can we get a going?
im following every doodle back❤️
heres my two! show me yours👇

37 388

Let’s get one more before the holidays 😊

1 25

where are the rest of you doods and doodettes? need to follow more of y’all 🤮🌈#doodlesfollowdoodles

4 129

Trying out something else! Would a shadow behind the doodle work ? Need some feedback fam!

Btw, one of our own is getting married/got married ! What’s he doing with only 50+ followers? Gotta bless him with

1 32

Everyday is unpredictable but one thing I know that is guaranteed is I have a doodle.

0 17

Oké Lets give this a try 🌈😇

0 53

Yo, I said I’d prioritize new blood coming into the dood family !

Let’s show him how it’s done at and give a warm welcome to with a

5 78

Bought myself a new 😍 still alive? 🥳

7 110

second dood has arrived...couldn't resist. am i doing this right?

43 111