FINALLY! Gharnef GHB Infernal Clear with an all Faye team!

0 5

Well, why not both?

I want another fallen heroes banner/GHB/TT and I want fallen Scarlet to be a unit

0 1

open. the aversa ghb stop. having it be closed

3 11

Camus did a good job in GHB Garon

9 29

ファイアーエムブレムヒーローズにて、9/20 16:00~から登場の大英雄「暗夜王ガロン(CV:大塚明夫)」を描きました。よしなに。
I drew Garon: King of Nohr from Fire Emblem Fates, for a new GHB starting Sep 20 at 12AM. Defeat him, enjoy!

629 1384

With Jamke's GHB being confirmed this would also confirm that the new heroes gacha coming up September 9th is Judgral related. 1st Generation perhaps?

0 1

ファイアーエムブレムヒーローズにて、7/29 16:00~から登場の大英雄「覇王ヴァルハルト」を描きました。よしなに🥕
I drew Walhart: The Conqueror from Fire Emblem Awakening, for a new GHB starting 7/29 at 12AM.
Challenge and defeat the ruthless emperor of Valm.

595 1245

Para quien no haya jugado al este es Linus, hermano de Lloyd y miembro del colmillo negro. Su GHB comenzará el día 12 hora española.

8 38

GHB Possessed Takumi AND NOW I FINALLY HAVE REGULAR AZURA? Yeah I pulled her and free Takumis so I’m living.

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I drew a sketch of Ishtar. Someone I'd love to see in Fire Emblem Heroes one day, GHB maybe? Happened to post this on Valentine's Day...poor Reinhardt. Going to be finishing this up.

4 25

what are you talking about
(tho he's a GHB)

0 0

Upcoming Tempest Trial, Raven and Lucius Bound Hero Battle, Navarre GHB rerun 🦉

354 763

Arvis joins the reunion of Sigurd, Deirdre, Julia, and Seliph. Always had this idea ever since the first GHB in

21 71

Upcoming events: Arvis Grand Hero Battle, Ursula GHB is returning. Genealogy Tempest Trials,

433 817

Ep 32, finally! We reveal our thoughts about GHB2017 and other things. Elric has a BL Book contest and a theory?

4 8

Me on GHB Valter Lunatic.
Finally beat him but with great cost for 5*ing Xander and such...

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its gamzee from back at it again with the furry content
bonus and GHB too!

2 14

I swear berkuts infernal GHB was easier than zephiels normal GHB I even got to take my laslow with me

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