Sorry about everything. Thank you for being patient despite everything. I'm gonna find something to cook for dinner and lie down.
Thank you beary much for the raaaaaid!!
Here's the beary smug gligar doodle!

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56/100 - Gligar !! Happy 4th of July Weekend :^)

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i just rly like gligar okay

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Day 332 of drawing one pokemon per day. Probably one of Gligarman's foes. Follow me to see the upcoming pokemon drawings.

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hi i would like you all to know that i fucking love the gligar evo line caus elook at these little funky guys that little bat right there is me

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Still not done posting MS Paint Pokemon from the marathon!!!
Buppy, the goodest fire doggo. Evolved, but perished ;-;
Kwabb, a gligar that saved the run by being immune to electricity, otherwise useless
Miku, my beautiful daughter elekid who carried us through the second half

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Some more villagers! Pineco is jock, Dunsparce is lazy, Gligar is preppy, Snubbull is snooty. :)

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Meelo and his team
1. Scyther (bug/flying)
2. Gligar (ground/flying)
3. Banette (ghost)
4. Beedrill (bug/poison)
5. Primeape (fighting)
6. Fearow (normal/flying)

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Nuestro Subcomisario Robert Gligard alias "El que más stonks hace en el billar" 😎

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Primer dibujo que publico aquí.
Es de un personaje en una historia que estoy escribiendo: Rahl Evard, un pequeño Gligar de 12 años con sueños de convertirse en un explorador. Espero les guste uwu

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Completely forgot to keep posting these... Also why did I EVER think Snubbull was cute!? I was a strange kid...

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