We’re in for more winter—Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Naturalist Benjamin Smith Barton (APS 1789) sketched this skull, likely a groundhog, before was celebrated. Maybe it holds a clue as to the not-always-reliable predictions of those large rodents?

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Hoy en el día de la Marmota no comparto un Mapa Mental, me limito a presentaros al simpático Phil y su predicción.

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Happy Groundfrog Day! Today, the elusive groundfrog emerges from the swamps of Moonwater Meadow. If sees its reflection in a mirror 6 more weeks of winter. If it doesn't, we get an early spring. However, it also means we have an undead groundfrog problem

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Is it a surprise to anyone that Punxsutawny Phil saw his shadow today? ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

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Smack him good before he sees his shadow. LOL https://t.co/CqKSfN0Xx0

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RT with your guess: calls for 6 more weeks of winter, decorations and ___.

(See more at https://t.co/kZrIZT9lNC)

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Happy let’s get our extended weather forecast from a rodent day!

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2021年の結果はsix more weeks of winterでしたね。うちのテキサス出身キバラマーモットのぬいぐるみのTexas-kunも恵方草巻きを食べています。(いつもの妄想絵)

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Le 2 février (la dans de nombreux pays), les Nord-Américains fêtent le le « jour de la marmotte ». Ce sympathique animal issu des collections de Numistral saurait, d’après la tradition, prédire si le printemps est proche !

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