The black line marks the ideal size for a while the red line is too restrictive and could lead to strangulation of the herniating brain at the edges of the craniectomy, causing further infarction.

24 67

A large epidural (#EDH) causing mass effect is demonstrated. Which types of could be caused by a large, expanding EDH?

27 92

47. Disc prolapse has a variety of causes including ageing, obesity, smoking, repetitive strain, or even certain motions e.g. twisting/ turning to lift an object. CES typically results from central disc herniation. Image:

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(also I know you don't wanna see them but, here's some doodles I've done whilst fighting hip dislocations, shoulder and hand pain and more recently, a spinal herniation and severe sciatica! EDS you meanie D:)

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I've just had a hernia trying to figure out what is about.

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Halloween chibi cause hgnnh
Also as some may know I've been suffering with a hernia and recovering so sorry it's been a bit of a rollercoaster for me!
But also I need a break sometimes lel
Tags -

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A drawing collab I did with a friend a while back

Hernia from

Did the lineart, colour belongs to: @ xenipher on instagram

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20191020 WildSideTokyo
HERNIA_44 with K〜様



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Ella es Bastet y tiene 10 meses la encontré hace muy poco tiempo y la semana pasada le diagnosticaron una hernia inguinal, la herida que ven en la foto se creó hace 3 días y secreta muchos fluidos todo el día, intento hacer limpiezas constantes pero se que eso no calma su dolor +

55 38

“Summer” Digital Art Contest
Last day to enter!
Submission “Summer symphony” by Alexander Cherniavskii
Prizes Valued at Over $1300. Submissions are accepted until September 22 at

1 1

( is featured on the second floor. Dmitri's piece "I am but a vessel", a JavaScript-generated SVG canvas, finds a home inside the gallery as an NFT version of a physical print.

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*humor elaborado*

Me and : ...


Me and :

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スポーツカイロプラクター“Dr.S”が解説する 機能解剖から考える疾患別治療ノート 【第12回】腰椎椎間板ヘルニア(Lumbar Disc Herniation)

3 23

🔅Esophageal hiatal hernia 💥
There are two types of hiatus hernia :-

7 20

Wow! Dmitri Cherniak’s work “I am but a vessel” is up on the curation page!

Acquire the only NFT edition at

1 11


Domino, my 3 year old Himalayan rabbit, needs surgery for a hernia next week! Help him out, and get yourself some nice at at the same time! RTs greatly appreciated!

Prices and examples here:

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Med Legal Art - multiple injuries and corrections (cont'd)
These medical legal boards feature colored medical films of numerous herniations and surgeries for a single personal injury case. Each layout includes either a colorized medical film or surgical steps.

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Med Legal Art - multiple injuries and corrections
These medical legal boards feature colored medical films of numerous herniations and surgeries for a single personal injury case. Each layout includes either a colorized medical film or surgical steps.

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Causes of spinal cord ischemia & stroke illustrated for Dr. Philippe Gailloud:
- stenoses of intersegmental artery (ISA) ostia,
- compression of the ISA or its branches by anterior, lateral or posterior disc herniation and,
- diaphragmatic crus syndrome.

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