画質 高画質

Aye c'est fini, dernier jour du ! Ah ce fût intense 😆
Thème que je rattrape "poison" et ça tombe bien pour le jour d'Halloween 👻

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Day 31: Spooky/Free!
So this was a bush scare gone wrong...
Finally! I did every prompt for the entire month, and wasn't late on any of them! I'm super proud and this was fun!

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features Phantump, drawn by for the We close out Inktober with this spooky, stumpy boy. Happy Halloween!

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“crawl” last day is really enjoyed drawing everyday this month and I think my skills have improved.

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J-31 Kamas :
Et ce Doftober se termine avec un début de richesse et une citwouille en or pour Halouine.🎃
Ravie d'avoir réussi à tenir les 31j sans retard💪(pour une fois).
Ça m'a énormément fait gagner en vitesse.😁

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Inktober Day 31 with The Count from Sesame Street! Yay I did it. That’s a wrap, folks. I hope you enjoy the muppets ❤️

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Float. I DID IT!! I have all my drawings done. I am debating on posting them all at once. I have to pace it on my instagram for sure. But here is nr. 28 Float. Enjoy!

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