Well, it’s official. Alolan Graveler is the last Pokémon to be picked by an artist for the While he waits for an artist, let’s all cheer him up by saying our favorite thing about Alolan Graveler! I like his big eyebrows.

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This week's features Froakie, drawn by for the This confirms it. Gen 6 remakes are definitely being revealed in today's Direct. You heard it here first, folks

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Day 24 of features Alolan Sandslash, drawn by for the T’was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for this mouse.

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Day 13 of features Kricketune, drawn by for the This musical maestro with mustache mandibles truly has an memorable cry, fitting of such a momentous 'mon.

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Day 11 of features Dracozolt, drawn by for the A real wacky dino just having a romp.

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Day 8 of features Entei, drawn by for the
This majestic lion dog cat thing harnesses the power of volcanoes to emit burning flames. Very cool, very majestic.

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Day 7 of features Skitty, drawn by for the This kitty is the embodiment of cute, very kawaii desu. I just want to give it a big hug.

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Day 6 of features Togedemaru, by for the The round hedgehog is ready to give a good nuzzle.

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Today's features Greninja, drawn by for the This is some great Pokémon art, but where are the Pokémon facts? See it's funny because the artist runs the Pokemon arts and facts account

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features Phantump, drawn by for the We close out Inktober with this spooky, stumpy boy. Happy Halloween!

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features Mewtwo, drawn by for the
It's called Mewtwo, but there are three of them. I guess that's what happens when you're the favorite.

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features Giratina, by for the
As if resetting the universe wasn't a bad enough idea on it's own, apparently if you try, this thing will drag you down to the distortion world. So yeah, don't do that.

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features Zangoose, drawn by for the
Zangoose's sharp claws let it slash through anything, especially those annoying tiny trees that you couldn't possibly walk over, nope.

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features Zigzagoon, drawn by for the
Here's a fun fact: Most of the Pokémon who's names rhyme with the Zigzagoon line are bug types, except for Suicune and Drifloon.

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features Deoxys by for the Remember when this guy got point-blank hyper beamed by Rayquaza in the movie? That was a real gamer moment

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features Eternatus, by for the A very impressive drawing of a tough Pokémon, by tough I mean it's hard to draw and also has 340 HP in the TCG.

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features Swoobat, drawn by for the We've been on a bit of a spooky streak with Noivern, Dusknoir, and now Swoobat, but I think you'll agree Swoobat is much more cute than spooky.

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features Noivern, by for the This ultrasonic dragon of the night stalks its prey, preparing for an ambush.

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