Was hat eurer Aussehen inspiriert? Hattet ihr irgendwelche bestimmten Ideen? Meins kommt von zwei meinen absoluten Lieblingscharaktern Kodama aus Scarlet Nexus und Starchasm Nyx aus Honkai Impact, sowie von biblisch akkuraten Engeln!

0 37

They are boyfriends, but one of them doesn’t know it yet

224 706

Pupu and KkuraKkura 😗🫶

76 238

Nikkurabo Progress
Head and dancing tufts of wisp-hair. This is not the final animation for these parts and is subject to change, and a reminder this is fanart.

4 6

Starting on the Nikkurabo skin with a mock-up idle pose. She is still wearing a mask, and the idea is that she changes the face on it using the fans. She does, however, start with putting on the mask on first before the song starts so you know that this skin has no face.

8 15

Leniverse Kkura 💜

36 142

this is extremely self indulgent but punk zakkura its all i ask ⛅️⚔️🐶⛓💙🍻

0 3

Here's a zakkura piece as part of an art trade that took me a year and a half, plus a reminder, to remember and then complete. Yeah it was a Christmas piece...

1 1

I keep seeing these ship dynamic memes, so here have this Zakkura shitpost

10 25

SsamKkura 🫶✨💖❤️

22 80

oblivious + obvious 💘

659 1863

x Kura Sushi Collaboration is NOW AVAILABLE at all Kura Revolving Sushi Bar locations featuring new prizes with the heroic demon slayers and 🌊⚡️🐗

include lanyards, can badges and rubber keychains! 💛💚💙

11 42

He doesn't want to admit it, but he loves the attention :)
(Decided to repost cause I wasn't happy with the quality)

10 39