zakkura wip from last august. thought that i could finish it by rebirth release day but here i am wuwuwu

2 17

When there aren't any Zakkura moments in the preview game. I'm fuckin MAD

1 24

Zack’s brain is processing…

//That Zakkura fic made me go insane for real (read the alt)

47 255

Don Fair and his favorite ho

102 500

first zakkura post 😁😁

150 726

"show your 4 favorite ships and let your mutuals assume ur concept of romance"

Gladnoct, Zakkura, Eruri, and Promptis

Honorable mentions:
Sefikura and Clerith

1 2

one like and I'll draw him a zack

55 353

“The Dream to Become a Hero”


80 311

This one is my favorite *tackle hug*

77 339

[ zakkura, cloud strife, zack fair ]

(kinda old doodles) my number ones ... MY EVERYTHING

6 38

<再掲> 3/9🌤の日❣️ ザックラ沢山くっついちゃえ!

3 19

<再掲> 3/9はザックラの日❣️🌤🌤🌤
Happy Zakkura day✨☀☁ ☀☁

7 33