Olha que legal ficou a homenagem que a Letícia Gomes fez para homenagear seu pai, que não conheceu o filho dela, e então ela juntou os dois na arte.

Se vc quiser algo assim de Natal ainda dá tempo, entre em contato :)

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o mundo dos centauros!!! eu recomendo muito a animação é linda DEMAIS e aborda uns assuntos meio pesados tipo luto e emoções, parece que é desenho infantil mas não é ksjsksjs

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Boy, Pina collabing with Meno made the stream to yabai, Penpals were going so wild like like in Luto's streams, overall it was fun hope to see more in the later future.
BTW Pina the Thing is not a horror movie, it's really a Christmas movie see look evidence.

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if this girl nerd gets drawn i will offer cursed luto drawing

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Tried drawing and a cursed thing shown, I prefer my Kalutist form than my drawing but maybe Luto-sama's drawing will be better (if mine gets chosen lol)

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Hope you enjoy my ornament Luto

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다양한 스타일의 단편만화 4편 모음집.

음악에 맞춰 쫓아가고, 조용한 좀비들을 바라보고, 켈트 신화에서 한국으로 워프하거나, 해고 후 집 공간이 묘해지는 이야기로 변화를 노래한다.

🌊LUTO 작가님의 <우리로 노래하는 변화>가 수면 위로 나아갑니다.

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Update: I have "finished" coloring Luto with her merch on. I could probably work on it more but I think I need to move to a different illustration.
Hope you guys look as good in the merch as she does though 👀

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Got my tablet today and I started another drawing and boy does this tablet feel nice. Also Luto you're looking good in your merch! This is still a WIP but I think I ended at a nice place today and I hope I'll finish it tomorrow!

Enjoy for now though ;)

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Well just in case I can't do a drawing today I did put together this emote earlier so you can also go Notto Dissu Shitto Again Luto

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I drew it very carefully!!!(paint for along time)
...............................................................................................................................................................and.....Luto i love you!!!😖(sincere confession)

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editei a skin da sivir pra parecer a samira e agora estou de luto

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Finished version of my earlier sketch
2 weapons: Staff for casting and Dagger for close range combat
And also there's your cleavage Luto (which I totally misspelled)

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On this day, the Kalutists have invented the best food human will ever had. Don't you agree to this Luto?

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me: Luto~😋❤️

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Luto don't be shy~😊❤️

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