Kalian dah pada mandi?, Xiel lg maw mandii, mo Manbar? xD wwww
jgn lupa bis mandi ke stream xiel jam 7PM yah :>

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Black Mamba

Distribution: sub-Saharan Africa
Japanese Name: ブラックマンバ
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 11 years
Romanised Name: Burakkumanba
Scientific Name: Dendroaspis polylepis
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Diet: Carnivore

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Decided to color the Zbrush file since ya'll liked the last one so much! This is the color scheme for the irl 3D prints I'm making.

Messed with some magnets today to test out the swappable tiles as well!! 🧲🧲#megamanbattlenetwork

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I.. Don't know what to say.. =w=; Today I'm in a big mood in Megaman.

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Bueno hoy les traigo mi último trabajo del 2022 y a su vez el primero de este año, se trata de un arte de la mangaka de BN en 3 paletas de colores distintas, la del manga, la del anime y la de los juegos espero les guste.

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