Morrnniinnggg~!! Gon drop dis
The best Bab- uhuk, ✨ BUTLER ✨ goes to si paling sabar di mintain tumnel pas lg komis dan sibuk 🙏😭 makasih om 🙏😭😭

0 11

" apa law liat" =o= "

art by mi~ :"> encoq momen
mi open komis, check mi cardco

4 17

Jangan lupa nanti malem Sleep call sama xiel jem 7PM :3 , waiting room otw yaaww :3

p.s ini pertama kaliny berhasil gmbr chibi T=T huuhuuu

2 11

POV : selfie sebelum Drunk valorant :>
don't forgor to come to xiel's stream~

with da power of huwuwh the stream will start in 20 minutes~ :

1 19

Kalian dah pada mandi?, Xiel lg maw mandii, mo Manbar? xD wwww
jgn lupa bis mandi ke stream xiel jam 7PM yah :>

0 41

[Schedule] 26 Dec - 1 Jan
our skejul tis wik ~

💜# Hashtag # 💜
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meme :
Fan Icon : 🐤

3 11

🐹 : Want to go to prom with me ?
💜 : sure 😳
jedwarrr~ *xiel nginjek kaki hyo 999x tp pose aja dlu xD

art by @/yaku atau aul (FB)

3 36

hasil komisan oc owrang, hedshot 40K, yg mawu komis dm dm ajah yahhh uwuh

0 9

untuk aktivitas Streaming Xielrin akan di pause sampai tanggal 30 September 2022 karena ada urusan Sekolah , mohon pengertiannya T=T , aktivitas streaming akan di lanjutkan pada tgl 1 Oktober 2022, di tungguu yahh~ uwuh , terima kasih atas pengertian nya minna 💜

2 36

owo you want hugss ? i givee huggss~

Art by @/GeminiDaimon

1 21

[Schedule] 18 July - 24 July Maap banget Jadwalnya dikit,minggu ini xiel sibuc :< maaf yahh

💜# Hashtag # 💜
General :
Live :
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Fan Name :
meme :
Fan Icon : 🐤

4 24

aaaaa >o< jgn cubitt xiellll, nanti xiel cubit balik loh yah !

Edit @/ProfileSteak

1 36

Ohayoou~ hari ini makan apa yahhh ? 🤤
OHH! and thank you 1,200 Followers on Twitter, Xiel punya ch youtube lohhh :3 jgn lupa di subrek hehe

Art by @/kyra_qill

3 17

Ohayouu~!!! 7 day to go untill 2.0 Redebut >///< I really hope you guys like my new model tho T-T

Tap on the bell ehehe ==>

5 25

GOKIGENYOUU~ Xielrin akan hadir di Platform Bstation nihhh !!
Download Aplikasinya unk nonton Xiel Live streamm yahhh, Bantu Xiel menuju 300 Followers >.<

Bstation : Xielrin

3 9

" Sayy cheese ~ " (◍•ᴗ•◍)💜

Commission by @/goesbyXiin
Check him/her out, the art is really nice 💜🥺

1 33