la mejor nave de geometry dash:

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*pregunta epicamente 3 días tarde*
Que harías si está persona ,que mide menos de un metro y cincuenta (1.48)
Te sale de un maldito portal en el cielo chocando con su nave bien enfrente de ti y luego saliendo dando un informe de prueba a un comunicador(?

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Puedes construir tu casa, puedes contratar gente para que le dé mantenimiento. Puedes personalizar tu nave y contratar crew también. =D

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Nave searches for his soldiers while being attacked by wolves that deem him enough of a threat to continuously send their forces at him. They're a huge threat and extreme measures may have to be taken to expunge these traitors from the Church.

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✨Gracias por la invitación Dan! Aquí está mi más reciente llamado “Auron”…

… quiero que y se monten en la nave también! 🚀 ✨

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wip - criando meu joguinho de nave 🚀

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After so much suffering, Nave finally gives up serving God who he thinks doesn't care about him only for him to find himself in a situation that needs his help. He wants to do nothing but his sense of duty will beg him to act against injustice.

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레 비 님 은 언 제 나... 한 발 늦 어...
난장판 100일 정말 축하드린다는 것이야...💙

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Ellos solo queria proteger a su cachorra, cueste lo que cueste...
Una nave desconocida callo a sus pies, la joven pelirroja vio curiosa su reciente descubrimiento pero se asusto cuando esta nave comenzo a abrirse escuchandose el llanto de un niño.

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Purgatorio C. VI

“Serva Italia, di dolore ostello, nave sanza nocchiere in gran tempesta, non donna di provincie, ma bordello”

Come disse Giovanni Gentile, nella parola di Dante «si celano molti secoli della storia futura d’Italia»

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This is concept art for my next character after my Nave since I couldn't wait to draw her design. Maryam carries the Lance of Longinus combined with the blade of a scythe and dagger of Nave as her weapon. 1/2

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🎞️ El 19 de junio de 1963 se estrenaba "Jasón y los argonautas" dirigida por Don Chaffey, basada en el la epopeya de 4 libros de Apolonio de Rodas. Narra el viaje de la nave Argo a través de la Propóntide y del mar Negro, el Danubio, el Po, el Mediterráneo y el norte de África.

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Again, since I couldn't help myself, here's another piece of concept art for my next book. Just like Nave children born of a serf and human are called bestials even if the serf parent didn't have the appearance of a beast since serfs are considered subhuman by many people. 1/2

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Since I couldn't help myself, here is the concept art for the main character of my next book, Nave Meridies. His birth was considered a curse since his parents died shortly after his birth and because he's the child of a serf and human with features to show it. 1/2

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Ya pero🐣🍗 ¿quién para agarrarnos a picotazos y ver quién es la polla alfa que se queda con el maíz palomero de la nave? 🐔🌽

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I have lots of piercings ^^ i also nave piercings on the boba ^^

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게임 스킨 버전 / 마우스 커서 버전
한번에 모아보면 귀여움이 2배

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33. Jason X [Película] (2001)
no sé qué me fascina más, si el hecho de que alguien de diseño de vestuario pensó que, en el futuro, un piloto de una nave espacial llevaría sombrero de cowboy o que, aún en el año 2455, los estudiantes siguen haciendo prácticas sin cobrar

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