listen to me. listen. none of them are neurotypical. or straight.

also this is my hc designs for an AU me & my gf were talking abt.... They're all just highschool kids save for Rem.

0 3

I know what you're thinking

No neurotypical person holds their cup like this

0 3

decided to redraw my whiteboard drawing
they are not neurotypical /hc

15 40

3b spoilers you are not neurotypical

0 1

jjba x stimming
no one in jojo is neurotypical bc i said so

541 2150

I could say exactly what's on my mind and some neurotypicals will still think there's some secret meaning behind what I'm saying.

And people wonder why autistics have such issues when it comes to communicating.

21 90

if you kin both of these characters you are definitely not neurotypical and should never be trusted with a lighter alone

0 3

Tfw the neurotypical is trying to lecture the neurodivergent on the use of the word retard

0 0

senpai fnf , fnf //

cishet neurotypical senpai au (aka him when he’s like... 13 idfk)

5 12

While there are some amazing neurotypical allies and advocates for autistics, too many are people with hero complexes who want praise and adoration. They don't listen to us, they don't respect us, and often they don't care about us.

Check out my Patreon:

16 46

Here’s the art piece Joy and I collaborated on for AutismOklahoma’s Duets Art Show, tonight 6-9pm at the Paseo (OKC) – enjoy the lovely weather. Duets brings a neurotypical and a neurodiverse artist together to make art. Was a wonderful experience!

0 1

I just wanna say if you think any of these bitches are neurotypical i don’t trust you

6 15

And finally, Myth 5. Autism is caused by bad parenting. Not true! Children who are autistic do not respond to the same parenting techniques as a neurotypical child does. Parents' need to use different techniques to get them to do everyday things.

1 2

Myth Number 2. Someone who is autistic cannot learn. Not true! They may just learn differently from the neurotypical population and need to be taught differently.

1 3

all the characters i projected onto the hardest as a Youth were either androids, aliens, or metahuman bioweapons with little-to-no exposure to neurotypical socialization or morals, and no my predilections have not changed in adulthood

0 1

no because there is not a single neurotypical character in the entire tinkerbell universe

0 3

If you're not able-bodied or neurotypical people really like telling you how to fix yourself. The lists they give you are either full of pseudoscience, or things you've already tried. If someone hasn't asked you for advice please keep it to yourself.

35 126

Surprising perhaps noone.

I really don't love how this test is worded, though, because everything's from the perspective of a neurotypical baseline.

"Overly" talkative? Compared to...? "You do X when it's inappropriate." According to...?

399 1961

he's definitely not cis or neurotypical

9 61